Hi guys, I’m back! Sorry lama tak update my blog. Really busy this past few weeks. My MIL was hospitalised for3 weeks and had a total knee replacement (TKR) operation. She had the left knee done 2 years ago. This time she had the TKR for the right knee. So akak busy lah berulang alik ke hospital, tolong ambik turn jaga dia. Alhamdulillah the operation was successful and she was discharged yesterday. She is recuperating now. It might take a couple of months before she is fully mobilised.
Minggu ini seronok sikit sebab anak akak dari Liverpool balik bercuti 3 bulan. The interesting part is when he arrived at the KL Sentral station, I couldn’t recognise him. He was sporting long hair, uncut since September last year. Anak dah depan mata boleh tak perasan….
Sekarang ni, rumah akak dah riuh semula dengan kehadiran si bongsu tu. Ada je songel dan usikannya. Dapor pun hari-hari berasap, rancak sikit memasak. Itulah hati seorang ibu. Bila anak yang lama tak nampak, sebut je nak makan terus masak. Lagi sebulan setengah abang yang kat Jepun tu pulak balik . Dapatlah puasa dan raya bersama sekeluarga. Nampaknya raya tahun ni meriah lah. Tahun lepas tak sempat raya dengan anak-anak.
35 weeks pregger
8 years ago